Monday, 10 November 2008

at mass today.

"I ask you to love me with same love with which I love you. But for me you cannot do this, for I love you without being loved. Whatever love you have for me you owe me, so you love me not gratuitously but out of duty, while I love you not out of duty but gratuitously. So you cannot give me the kind of love I ask of you. This is why I have put you among your neighbors: so that you can do for them what you cannot do for me--that is, love them without any concern for thanks and without looking for any profit for yourself. And whatever you do for them I will consider done for me."

- The Dialogue, St Catherine of Siena

happy anniversary mommy and daddy! =)


Unknown said...

Thank you my darling. So tweet ....

Eman Azrin said...

I ask you to love me with same love with which I love you. But for me you cannot do this, for I love you without being loved. Whatever love you have for me you owe me, so you love me not gratuitously but out of duty, while I love you not out of duty but gratuitously. So you cannot give me the kind of love I ask of you.

Mmmmm strikes a chord somewhere somehow somewhat strongly. Hahaha