Friday, 14 January 2011


today, i learnt that it is easier to not know what to expect but to hope something good will happen,

than to not know what to expect but to hope that what you want will happen.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


"if it's love
and we decide that it's forever
no one else could do it better

if it's love
and we're two birds of a feather
then the rest is just whenever

and if i'm addicted to loving you
and you're addicted to my love too
we can be them two birds of a feather
that flock together

love, love
got to have something to keep us together
love, love
that's enough for me."

- if it's love, train.

Friday, 7 January 2011


never before has a period of time seemed to me both so short and so painfully long at the same time.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

it must happen with you.

2010 was the best year of my life thus far. bring on 2011!

"i've had the time of my life
no, i've never felt this way before
and i swear, this is true
and i owe it all to you...

... dirty bit."

- the time (dirty bit), black eyed peas.