Monday, 30 April 2012

'get up, elephant!'

every once in a while, i find myself going through old posts in my blog and discovering snippets of myself that have faded into the far corners of my memory - snippets that used to be a part of me, snippets that are still a part of me, and snippets that i wanted to be a part of me. it's nice to see that some things haven't changed and to see that some things have, but most of all it's nice to have this window into my past self that i wouldn't have without my blog.

and so it's really quite a pity that i haven't been blogging as often as i used to. then again, it's partly reflective of where i am in life right now - more stable, i think, would be a succinct way of putting it. less angst-y (so less to rant about). plus i'm on a comfortably high plateau where everything is wonderful and if i kept blogging about it i'd make everyone who reads my blog (including future-me) sick.

but i think it's about time i recorded some random bits and pieces that i'd probably like to be reminded about when the present is no longer present. here goes (in no particular order)!

1. i am now the proud owner of six potted plants - thyme, flat-leaf parsley, cactus flowers, gerberas, chrysanthemums, and most recently, orchids. i've always loved having plants around, but i hadn't the slightest inkling of how to take care of them. i always treated them like cut flowers, to be honest - put them where they look nicest, and enjoy them while they last because they won't survive very long! but with this batch of plant-pets, although i still have no idea how to take care of them, i'm taking more of a long-term view of them - watering them regularly, making sure they get enough sunshine, and trying not to let them get too cold (by leaving them near open windows). and it seems to be working! i've had the cactus flowers and gerberas (which i got the earliest) for about three months now and they're not only still alive, but the gerberas are flowering again! i lost one flower before it bloomed, but now there's one that's big and tall and should open any day now, and another one that's starting its journey up. satisfying!

2. badminton has become quite an integral part of me. i'm not an extremely good player, to be sure, but i'm definitely much better than i was before i came to cambridge. i don't just enjoy it for the exercise, but for the social side of it too - the people that i know in college are the ones i play badminton with, and yesterday i played badminton in the malaysian oxbridge games, which helped me to get to know more fellow malaysians here. i played for the oxford team though (long story) and so got to know a few malaysians from oxford too. so yes, i like badminton very much and would take it over going to the gym or going for a run any day (especially with the crazy english weather we've been having lately).

3. english weather is crazy. and cold. and wet. i know it makes the uk as green and pretty as it is (the rain, that is), and if there wasn't winter  there wouldn't be spring (which is currently my favouritest season by far, at least when it behaves like spring should, and not like winter)... but it's something i would prefer to avoid. especially in a place like cambridge where i have to cycle everywhere.

4. the intervention i've been working on has been hard work, but really valuable hands-on experience too. it's been thought-provoking talking to the mothers of children with autism - seeing their pain, their determination, their weariness... but most of all their love. it has taught me tact when dealing with them and their children (prior to this intervention autism was more theory than a reality to me), and also helped me realise what a vocation and super-full-time job parenthood is.

i could go on, but i think i'll leave the rest for another time. to be continued!

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