Wednesday, 18 February 2009


i've composed at least 10 different posts in my head over the past couple of weeks... but every time i think about typing it out and putting it up i feel guilty because i feel like i should be dealing with some assignment i have, or completing some reading for class. or i'm just done with typing and i really don't feel like stringing together another coherent sentence.

which is rather ironic because i told myself two weeks ago, when i got the letter, that i was going to put academics in the back seat, at least for a while. i want to, and i think i need to. there are more important things in life. but old habits die hard.

i really want to get a B this term. time to start working on it.


Bryan said...

Just hang out with me for a while. I usually get at least 1 every term. Sometimes 2 if I feel the need.

delle. said...

lol... thanks, bryan. =) it's nice of you to offer even though we're not friends.

AmbivalentMonk said...

I can't quite let go of my obsession over grades, either.
Instead of running the risk of an A- or B+ in my Environmental Econ class, I might take it pass no-pass.

delle. said...

i can totally relate. but yeah, i think i need to be able to get a B and be okay with it, you know?