Tuesday, 18 August 2009


in the past four days i've spent in australia, i've been to melbourne, newcastle, the blue mountains and sydney.
in the past four nights i've spent in australia, i've slept in a different room and bed and showered in a different bathroom every night.

i've eaten more than i should.
i've slept less than i should.
i've gotten angrier than i've been in a long time.
i've met up with people i haven't seen in years.
i haven't gotten sick of jiat yet, despite spending more time with him than i ever have in my life lol.
i haven't talked to anthea since she got to nebraska!
i've been to so many gorgeous places.
and i'm with yin(!), ning jia(!), sammy(!) and jiat (*yawn*) right now!

one week to go! =D


Unknown said...

I misses Aka. :(

AmbivalentMonk said...

At least you've showered. Haha.

delle. said...

aka misses anthea too! =(
we have to skype sooon!

sean: haha i guess your showers weren't as easy to come by on your adventures, huh? but yup, i've been enjoying nice, hot showers! =) i miss you!