Wednesday, 12 August 2009

zomg lollersk8s roflcopter.

anthea's leaving for the land of cornfields TODAY!
i had to get out all my warm stuff so i could pack for australia, cos i'm leaving TOMORROW!
i finally finished putting together three scholarship applications i've been working on FOREVER!
so hopefully someone will bequeath me some moolah SOON!
because i'll be leaving for cambridge in A MONTH AND A HALF!
pitbull is EVERYWHERE!
but his music is pretty catchy so it's OKAY!
i just wish his lyrics weren't so... QUESTIONABLE!

"forget about your boyfriend, and meet me at the hotel room
you can bring your girlfriends, and meet me at the hotel room [x2]
we at the hotel, motel, holiday inn [x4]."

- hotel room service, pitbull.

and that's not the worst of it, BY FAR!


Unknown said...


Stop shouting lah.

melissa chen said...

Have fun in Melb. & Sydney!

And @ Anthea - all the best! :)

May said...

ah. tht means i wont be able to see u when me back! rawrrr!