Wednesday, 28 October 2009

isn't it ironic, don't you think?


on monday i went for a run and played wii for the first time in my life.
yesterday i rowed, played badminton, and tried out acrobatic rock 'n' roll.
today i met up with marta and ali for hot chocolate at an italian cafe and ended up chatting for about 3 hours, and also went for continental rock 'n' roll.
tomorrow i'm going to row, play badminton, and go for formal.
on friday i might try ballroom and latin.
this saturday i'm going to nottingham to play badminton at the malaysian nottingham games, probably followed be a halloween party.
on sunday i have rowing, badminton and rock 'n' roll lined up.

BUT, believe it or not, i actually attend classes and seminars somewhere in between.
i've read about 20 journal articles and 2 academic books.
i've made about 30 pages of notes (12 point font, single-spaced) based on what i've read.
and when i think about it, getting all that reading and notes done in 2 1/2 weeks isn't too bad.
is it?

i don't know if i'm doing too little work! or if i'm doing too much of the other stuff! and i don't get how i still have time to feel bored and unproductive! and watch multiple episodes of the simpsons every day!

i blame my 18-credit-hour-terms-plus-work-plus-research-plus-ucf-plus-an-attempt-at-a-social-life that was my undergraduate experience. now my internal gauge of what a healthy balance between academics and extra-curricular activities is is completely warped.

have i mentioned that i also went for mass three times last week and had lunch at church all three times too?
and that i'm on the college badminton team, and probably also on the college rowing team and the uni novice rock 'n' roll team? which means that these aren't just temporary pursuits?
and that i'm also doing a masters at cambridge?
one month down, eight to go.

"keep walking, though there is no place to get to.
don't try to see through the distances;
that's not for human beings.
move within, but don't move the way fear makes you move.
today, like every other day, wake up empty and frightened.
don't open the door to the study and begin reading.
take down a musical instrument.
let the beauty we love be what we do.
there are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."
- rumi.


AmbivalentMonk said...

Hey, sounds like you're staying active and connected up there. I hope to hear from you sometime!
Just thought you'd like to know that Catholic Mass has been a refuge for me while I've been here.

delle. said...

ah, that's good to hear. and CONGRATULATIONS on graduating from ocs! it's such an accomplishment, and definitely something to be very proud of. =)