Tuesday 11 May 2010

but if you try sometimes.

i've been thinking lately about how easy it is to get greedy. when things have been going well for some time, the slightest mishaps seem unfair. and then when one thing goes wrong i start to pick out everything else that is going wrong at the same time, no matter how trivial and petty.

and then i gripe about it and realise how ridiculous i sound. i can be such a brat at times. but i've been spoilt over the past eight months... it's hard not to get used to it. heh heh.

on a separate note:
sometimes you don't know how much you need something until you lose it;
sometimes you don't know how much you wanted something until you get it.

i've never really experienced the latter, until recently. it's quite an eye-opener.

1 comment:

Unknown said...
