Sunday, 16 May 2010

shake it like a polaroid picture.

i've always talked about change as something inevitable, and therefore something we should just accept. but maybe a better way to look at change is as something we need. no matter how well things are going, or rather, especially when things have been going well for a while, ennui tends to set in. feeling comfortable usually means there is nothing making us squirm, nothing challenging us. and sure, we need that too, every once in a while. but then we get tired of routine and habit, start seeking out novelty... and when we get it, gripe about having to readjust. at least i do; i'm masochistic that way.

so. some day in the future, when i'm complaining about the way things are and wishing that i could go back to the way things used to be, i shall look back on this post and... i dunno, "be reasonable".

"somebody once asked,
could i spare some change for gas
i need to get myself away from this place
i said yep, what a concept
i could use a little fuel myself
and we could all use a little change."

- all star, smash mouth.

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