Sunday, 20 July 2008


today i happened to come across two blogs of people i know who are in the middle of traveling. one is in europe at the moment, and has visited spain, switzerland, and france so far. he is currently in belgium. the other i met in kolkata last year, and has gone back there this summer for about four months. he stopped briefly in new york and london on his way there. this is nothing compared to what he did last year though, when he literally traveled round the world - he was in tokyo, egypt, russia, and germany, among other countries, before arriving in kolkata. simply amazing.

reading their blogs not just fanned, but added kerosene and newspaper and cockroaches and all things flammable to my desire to travel the world. and i mean the world. i know cockroaches are flammable, by the way, thanks to ning jia who conducted the experiment in a flower pot many mooncake festivals ago.

it goes beyond simple traveling... i want to have the time, money and courage to see famous places as well as to go off the beaten track, stay as long as i want, and then moving on to wherever calls me next. i wanna meet random people along the way - people i'll never see again but people that i'll remember. i also wanna do something purposeful while i travel, though what exactly i don't know. i wanna discover myself as i discover the world. it's such a romantic notion that i honestly have little hope of it ever being met completely. but my desire to travel has always fallen along these lines of more than the lines of a sight-seeing trip, fun vacation or honeymoon. it's always been egocentric.

kolkata has whet my appetite. it was around this time last year that i was just about done with my three weeks there. my experiences there left me feeling so fulfilled... it's addictive. so. daddy, just say when!

as for my travels around the world... i guess i'll have to be patient. my time will come.


Bryan said...

"...people i'll never see again but people that i'll remember."

Is this your way of saying you're sick of me?

delle. said...

nooo! no connection whatsoever. and anyway, i'll be seeing you again before you know it! whether you want to see me or not. =)

Bryan said...

Hey, I wasn't the one who said I was sick of people :p.

delle. said...

neither was i, actually!