Thursday, 7 May 2009


excited, nervous, comfortable, disappointed, adventurous, intimidated, proud, boring, contented, drained, hopeful, frustrated, inspired, impatient, loved, distant, determined, inadequate, lazy, ambitious, disorganized, cheerful, guilty, grateful, overwhelmed, independent,

conflicted and confused.

"don't you think we oughta know by now?
don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?"

- slow dancing in a burning room, john mayer.


Bryan said...

There's a tiny part of me that doesn't want to graduate.

delle. said...

same here. =(

delle. said...


Bryan said...

Are you bipolar now?

delle. said...

conflicted and confused, bryan... conflicted and confused.

did you even read the post? =(


Bryan said...

"conflicted and confused, bryan... conflicted and confused."

Could be bipolar :D

Bryan said...

Or you could be happy/sad.

delle. said...


Bryan said...

It's your blog. I guess I'll let you winnest.

delle. said...

you don't have to "let me" winnest... i winnest regardless!