Sunday 13 September 2009

poker face.

"you seem fine."

maybe it's time i started wearing my heart on my sleeve a little more often, especially when it comes to negative emotions.

glare when i'm angry.
mope when i'm upset.
cry when i'm sad.
distance myself when i've been hurt.

and do it unapologetically.

because when i don't, it's either i appear cold, or people just don't get that they're rubbing me the wrong way until one day a fuse blows.

oh, and i ran over a monitor lizard today. it crossed the highway without looking left, right, and then left again! and it was either it's life or the lives of my mommy, daddy and san ee. so yeah. at least it wasn't cute and furry.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Definitely be unapologetic about it.