ah, you might be right. i thought it depended on whom you were saying to, not who was saying it. but google's telling me otherwise. i'll fix it, obrigada.
and yes, behovable does mean playeth a needful part. =)
"the greatest hazard of all, losing the self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. no other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed.
thus possibility seems greater and greater to the self; more and more it becomes possible because nothing becomes actual. eventually everything seems possible, but this is exactly the point at which the abyss swallows up the self. it takes time for each little possibility to become an actuality. eventually, however, the time that should be used for actuality grows shorter and shorter; everything becomes more and more momentary. possibility becomes more and more intensive - but in the sense of possibility, not in the sense of actuality, for the intensive in the sense of actuality means to actualize some of what is possible. the instant something appears to be possible, a new possibility appears, and finally these phantasmagoria follow one another in such rapid succession that it seems as if everything were possible, and this is exactly the final moment, the point at which the individual himself becomes a mirage."
behovable - playeth a needful part
Should it be "muito obrigada" since it is expressed by a female?
ah, you might be right. i thought it depended on whom you were saying to, not who was saying it. but google's telling me otherwise. i'll fix it, obrigada.
and yes, behovable does mean playeth a needful part. =)
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