Monday, 10 May 2010

i've lost my number; can i have yours?

i have 107 journal articles on autism and theory of mind!
and still only 6 participants.
and about 31 days until my dissertation is due.
10,000 more words to write.
33 days until i leave cambridge for about 3 months.
during which i will be home after having been away for about 10 months.
before which i will be experiencing 45-degree weather.


"when the whole world fits inside of your arms,
do we really need to pay attention to the alarm?"

- banana pancakes, jack johnson.

edit: make that 121 articles! ah, now i feel less like haven't learnt much this year...


AmbivalentMonk said...

That's almost freezing temperatures. I'm not sure of much else, but I do know you like warm weather.

BTW - drop a line sometime...please? :-) I'd like to hear from you.

Adelle said...

haha i think in celsius now - 45 degrees is about the furthest from freezing i would have ever experienced! and yes, i definitely owe you more than a line. i'll get on it! hope all's well!

Melissa Chong said...

whee we can't wait till you're back!
also did someone try that pick-up line on you? *points to post title* hehe!

Melissa Chong said...

oh btw, this'd be ai-lynn! :)