Monday 15 September 2008


i didn't get as much sleep on the flights home as i'd hoped i would!on my first flight home from kl to taipei i had a window seat but the wall of the cabin was so far away from my seat that i couldn't lean on the wall without my pillow falling through the gap. =(

and then my flight from taipei to san francisco was delayed by about an hour because of the rain (guess it was a good thing i didn't take the earlier flight from san francisco to portland!). while waiting in the terminal there was this girl who was talking to the guy she was with and laughing really loudly. and when i got on the plane, whaddaya know, she was sitting in the aisle seat of my row. i had the window seat so there was a seat between us, and the guy wasn't with her so i was still optimistic about getting some sleep. but then when everyone had boarded the plane she called the guy over! and the talking and laughing resumed. a lady in front of us actually switched to another seat because she got so annoyed!

when they served our first meal, i asked for a glass of wine and the girl thought it would be funny to ask the air steward if she could have the rest of the bottle (there was about a third left) even though she wasn't planning to drink it. she laughed then turned to me, said "happy birthday!" and put it down on my table. which might've been funny except that it fell and spilt all over my jeans! she didn't even apologize, and it's RED WINE so now i have a purple patch on my jean leg that i have to walk around in until i get to eugene. and i'm not too sure if the stain'll come out! >.< she hogged the armrest too. meh. >.<

anyhow, landing in sfo soon, and then i'm off to portland, and then eugene!

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