Saturday, 6 October 2007

some week.

i haven't put up an "update" post in a while huh. and my last few posts have been in more managable chunks lol... maybe i'm getting better at this blogging thing. =) so it's been an insanely hectic week - to everyone who feels neglected by me, you're not the only one, believe me. i have so many unreplied emails, facebook wall messages and blog comments to reply it's probbaly gonna take me a few hours to get through them all. not that it's a chore or anything okay, i love em. and i will get to them! to everyone who's heard that before, i mean it this time! and to everyone who's heard THAT before, sorry. =(

i haven't really been up to much, honestly. my week pretty much consisted of not getting enough sleep, classes, rushing to classes, struggling to keep up with assignments and reading, as well as getting them done just in time (like right before class). i've also been going for dance practices a performance i'm taking part in for the mills international center grand opening, which is gonna be held next friday. i was wondering if i should actually get involved considering i was already swamped and the moves looked pretty hard (they are, too.) but it's coming together pretty well, and i'm glad i stuck to it. hopefully the feeling stays. i need to get something hip hop to wear and i have no idea what lol. oh well, i'll figure it out.

the highlight of the week would probably have to be... doing titrations for 3 hours yesterday. 3 hours! and the worst part is, i could've been done earlier, if only i hadn't made a caulculation mistake. like we had to get a relative average molarity for a sample of sodium hydroxide within 2%, and i think i had it within my first three titrations except by my calculations i thought i didn't. if that makes sense. the annoying part wasn't the titrations themselves, but weighing out 2g of this chemical to the nearest 0.1 MG! even one grain of the stuff made a difference. and i think i had to weigh out like 7 samples total. the stupidest part was when for one of my titrations, i knew roughly when the solution was supposed to start turning pink but i kept going and going and it stayed colorless! i was wondering what on earth was wrong until someone asked me if i had put phenolphtalein in. and i hadn't. lol. second stupidest would have to be when i was doing my fifth and final titration and the teacher assistant said he thought i already had it, but i was panicking and was trying to get my titraton done so i didn't listen and didn't go do my calculations again. funny in hindsight, but not so funny when it was actually happening! exhibit b of why adelle needs her sleep. and guess what? more titrations next week! woot.

kay i should be at coffee hour now, but i needed to get some laundry done so i'm going soon i hope, once it finishes drying. my first social activity for the week! so sad right.

i'm not doing any work tonight. nope.

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