Tuesday 6 November 2007

it's 3.17am.

and i'm still awake. just finished working on my social development draft that's due tomorrow at 12, and i have work from 7.30 to 11 which means i needed to finish it tonight. didn't help that i had a cog dev midterm earlier, followed by a lit quiz. work tomorrow also means i have to be up in about... 3 hours. i think i'll just stay awake - if i go to sleep waking up is gonna be hell. would be interesting to see how i turn out tomorrow, cos i've never really tried it out. i know i'll probably regret it and kivk myself for being so stupid tho, especially since it's just monday. hmm.

some much needed laughs from the game now known as "jewish holiday":

and my all-time favorite:

we should play again soon.


Bryan said...

don't 'kivk' yourself too hard :)

delle. said...

aw c'mon gimme a break! it was past 3am! and i'd been working hard since 8am!
see you pick on me for small things like that and i'm supposed to let big things like "force isn't mass" go? fat chance.

AmbivalentMonk said...

Staying up late will make you fat.

Bryan said...

A)Force isn't mass (but fa is)

B)Maybe if you had let 'f isn't M' go, 'kvik' would have slid as well.


delle. said...

sean: i'm already fat. =(

bryan: you picked on me first, so you started it!
and pfft to you too.