Tuesday 18 September 2007

the edge.

i decided to put this up as a separate post cos it's a thinky one, which i haven't put up in a while cos i've been so busy updating. so here goes.

you know when you're mean to people, and tease them, and don't hang out with them, and label them "weird"... do you ever wonder how much of an effect it's having on them? i'm not talking about the good-natured fun, tho that can sometimes be taken too far too, but more the "justified" meanness. the kind where you actually mean what you sayand say it for a reason, and don't associate yourselves with them because you just don't get along. i know it's human nature, and you can't be friends with everyone, and you can't like everyone, and maybe they "deserve" it... but have you ever wondered?

have you ever considered the possibility that you might be pushing them toward the edge? the edge that we so often make light of, make fun of and speak about in jest? over the edge that is the point of no return? over which there is so much darkness and trauma and loneliness? the edge that is so far away to us but is very much a reality for them, a reality that they would much rather not face? have you ever considered that the damage does not stop there, and that the aftershocks shake the world of more people than you'll ever know?

and here's what gets to me... when you do find out that the possibility you didn't consider is not a possibility after all but is in fact what you did do, tho maybe not single-handedly, how on earth can you just pretend to feel remorse over it and go on making a joke out of it? how?

would i be a hypocrite if i distanced myself from you then?

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