Thursday 20 September 2007

i have skype!

add me people!
my username's dellelled.
free conversations bay-beh!
and you might get to see me if you're lucky (i.e. if i can figure out how to do it).
i like the internet =)


Jean said...

Hooray for the downloading of Skype!
Hooray for the uploading of pictures!
(although you had a lil formatting problem, but it was fun trying to match the captions to their corresponding pictures...)
Hahaha... =D

P.S. The vulgar-looking flowers are really interesting to look at!

Magdalene-Sophie said...

i likeeeyour bloggie, delifrance :)

i'm not much of a skype person, more of a type-y person.. so i guess i won't be seeing you there..


maybe i'll change my mind in a coupla years........months? dunno :)

but i have facebook :D it's so addictive (for now). i am sure to abandon it sometime in the far(?) future :D it's fun for now :)

i like the internet too :)

take care~ God bless

delle. said...

jean: haha yeah i thought i might as well make the post a little more interactive. the vulgar looking flowers are funny!

maggie mee: yay thank you =) ah guess we'll have to rely on msn for now, when i actually do come on. and yeah, everyone seems to be hooked on facebook. haven't caught the bug yet tho.. maybe i will soon =) the internet rocks! you take care too.. and God bless!