Tuesday, 4 September 2007

so long, farewell...

gosh i've been busy. and the thing is, the busier i am the faster time flies! i've seriously had a more of a social life over the past 2 weeks than i have my entire life... kinda sad but true. okay lah not really sad, cos it shows that people actually wanna say bye. but then having to say bye to them is sad. kay i'll stick with kinda sad.

oh and i've probably done more shopping and spent more money than i ever have within that same time span. i can honestly say i'm sick of shopping now. i suppose it's more fun when you don't have to shop. and when you have more money. and less of conscience lol. but i think i did pretty well =)

so much has happened that it's impossible to cover it all... the main highlight of the past week would have to be my farewell gathering, hands down. my darling parents and sister were the main people behind it, they did most of the organizing and planning. and it was really sweet of them cos it's not like they don't have more important things to do - my sister's having trials, my mum's working on a major project, and daddy's got his usual church and work stuff to keep him occupied. oh and my uncle and aunty helped us to get the place... loved it =) so thank you to all of you for taking in the stress and putting in the love, time, effort and money!

best part for me was having all the people i cared about most there - my dad's side of the family, mum's side, the gang, and prefects. i was really worried about what it would be like with all of them together, cos i've never put them all together before... but i shouldn't have even given it a thought la. everyone was wonderful, everyone mingled, and everyone seemed comfortable. we had an icebreaker (yup, an icebreaker!), then dinner, then... ying played this video she had put together for me.

basically what she did was record my family and friends saying a few words to me about me leaving, did some funky graphic things (everyone was impressed!), played some emo music in the background... and within 5 minutes (or less) she had the waterworks going. even i cried! you're probably thinking "d'oh, obviously you'd cry... you were the main target and with everyone saying such sweet things about you and saying how much they'll miss you how can you not?!". but the thing is i'm not really an emotional person outwardly... i told everyone that if i don't cry at my farewell or the airport it's not because i don't feel anything, but just cause i don't do the whole crying thing. pfft yeah right.

thank you for the effort you put into the video ying... and also to daddy, mummy, anthea, mel, yin, eric, kit, ping, jo, wei, may, lynn, and val for the emo and touching messages. more than one person told me that i have a great family and a great circle of friends, and to that i can only say, "hell, yeah!"

and then after letting the emoness wear off we played taboo and mafia lol. i was told it was like a kid's birthday party with party games (they didn't mean it in a mean way) but heck i love being kiddy. why not? the fact that my friends and family didn't turn up their noses at my games but participated wholeheartedly reminded me of how comfortable i am with them,of how i can be myself and not be judged around them. you know you've got a great group of friends when you can jump on a merry-go-round and know that they'll jump right on with you, just for the fun of it.

good food, good ambience, the best company... the night reminded me about how much i love them, how much i'm loved by them, how blessed i am, and how much i'll miss them. but at the same time it gave me hope - i know things can't possibly stay exactly the same way they are now between all of us, but it's not gonna be easy for what has taken so long to build to be destroyed merely by physical distance. nope.

thank you, thank you, thank you.
love, love, love.


Shwe Ying The Great said...

damn... your post just made me laugh and cry at the same time.. *sobs*

yin said...

*emo* ... *sniffs* ... (also at work)