Tuesday, 9 October 2007


i know i've been putting up really random, short posts lately, but bear with me, okay?
anyhow. i just wanted to announce something: you know how i was supposed to get my titration readings last thursday within a 2% relative average deviation? i was at 0.9% at my third reading. and if i remember correctly i was done with my third reading after an hour and a half.



AmbivalentMonk said...

It's obvious that your life just sucks, you're a loser, and Chemistry hates you. The only reason you really have to live is to watch football. Yay.

delle. said...

it's kinda sad that my only reason for living is a game i don't yet understand. =(

Bryan said...


delle. said...

my FRIENDS do!

Bryan said...


jk. i'm being too mean.

delle. said...

yeah my friends, like your imaginary ones, only real.
i can be mean too! =P

AmbivalentMonk said...

O'Malley taught me how to be mean...I just have to think of bad things...like...milk!

Now I am thinking about KITTENS! Kittens covered in SPIKES! That makes me ANGRY!!!

delle. said...

everyone back home is probably thinking at this point that i have very weird friends here. oh wait, i mean friend, since bryan doesn't care.

Bryan said...

...you missed my RVB reference. My fault maybe.

"I'm from Iowa"


delle. said...

haha i haven't watched enough rvb to recognize all the quotes yet. and the one time i did watch it i was falling asleep, remember? =P

Bryan said...

ya. lame you.