Monday, 22 October 2007

good weekend.

i'm happy with how i spent my weekend. i got sleep, wasn't antisocial, caught up with people back home, got some exercise, did some work, went for mass, did laundry...
all in all a much-needed "break" i think.

if only there wasn't a dark spot to blemish the end... life is fleeting.
stay strong, hold on to your faith... you know you have people here for you, right?

anyway. i saw one of the funniest things ever today! i watched the first part of "zoolander" and the opening scene is of like this huge crowd of people in malaysia celebrating the newly-elected prime minister's decision to increase minimum wage and wipe out child labor once and for all. it was HILARIOUS.
for one, everyone was chinese, even the prime minister (har har.) - they were holding up posters with this chinese-looking man's face on it with jawi-looking slogans.
secondly it looked so ulu! like malaysia in the 40s and 50s. and they referred to malaysia as an "impoverished nation".
and basically the story was about this male fashion model who was being sent on a mission to assassinate the prime minister so that this fashion line could go on using the cheap labor in malaysia to manufacture their clothes.
this movie was made in 2001 okay.
i bet the movie was banned in malaysia.

on a more positive note, at coffee hour i was looking through some of the reading material they have at the mills international center, and i saw like a whole row of books about singapore, and none about malaysia... and i look down and wonders of wonders, i see "lat: stories of a kampung boy".
i was so excited! so malaysia is being represented la, nevermind the fact that singapore has books about tourist destinations there and we have a comic book about what life was like in malaysia in the 50s and 60s. in a kampung. maybe i shouldn't be so hard on zoolander for portraying malaysia the way it did after all. heh.

monday again tomorrow... boo.

"i see the girl i wanna be
riding bareback, carefree
along the shore
if only that someone was me
jumping headfirst, headlong
without a thought
to act and damn the consequence
how i wish it could be that easy"

-wild horses, natasha bedingfield.


AmbivalentMonk said...

I bet *you* are banned in Malaysia, and that's the real reason you're here.

delle. said...

*gasp* how'd you knoww? i thought i kept that a well-hidden secret.
shh, don't tell anyone.

Jean said...

Such a pathetic depiction of Malaysia by Zoolander.

And yeah, I've to agree with "ambivalentmonk".
All "Apushpar"s are banned in Malaysia, due to the hazardous effects that they cause upon your sanity. =)


Anyway, Delle!
Come on Skype! Really wanna catch up with you & i've got so many questions to ask you about Oregon!

We need to set up a date on Skype!

Would you be free on Tuesday night, 8pm..till Wednesday morning, 10am (Malaysian time)?
I'd be on Skype for that time being, alrightie?
Anytime you would like to chat would do, dear. I'd be free. And awake as well.
You know how screwed-up my sleeping patterns are. =P

By the looks of it, if you're having classes in the day, it looks like Wednesday morning (Malaysian timing) would do.

However, if you are swamped with classes or bombarded by assignments, it's fine. Just get back to me on when exactly you are free to go on Skype, okie?

Glad to know that you are enjoying yourself there! Saw your dance video with the All Styles Crew. And that was a really cool dance routine! (^-^)~

Magdalene-Sophie said...

ooh dating going on skype ;)
i love reading your bloggie, delle :) i don't know about others, but i feel you exude much more confidence and self assurance over in oregon than you did in malaysia. but that's just me :) it's all part of growing up and discovering, maybe :)

take care girl. :)

AmbivalentMonk said...

Magdalene, I completely agree with you. Adelle is such a strong individual...I was drawn to her extreme sense of self-confidence the moment I met her.

delle. said...

jean ee: i don't know why, but i can't call you jean! apushpars only have positive effects on your sanity. actually, there aren't apushparS, there's only one - me, me, me.

i'm sorry i couldn't make it on skype! i've been slogging for my midterms, plus trying to catch up on a whole load of work. i'll let you know when i have some breathing space, kay?

and thank you! =)

maggie mee: dating tak jadi =(

hmm.. really? maybe it's just a side of me that didn't come out at HELP. oh well, at any rate, i was me at HELP too, so maybe the people here aren't seeing that side, does that make sense?

i'm glad my blog is a source of joy and entertainment for you! you take care too =)

sean: >.<