Sunday, 14 October 2007


i got hit by a wave of homesickness today for no particular reason. maybe it was her blog post, maybe it was talking to my family yesterday, maybe it was his text message, maybe it was the songs i listened to, maybe it was the home-cooked food i had at my host parents' place... i dunno. probably was a combination of all of the above.

at about 5.30pm, on to way to dick and peggy's, i was looking at the tree-covered hills through the windshield, with the sun peeking through, and i was like, 'wow, i'm gonna be here for two years'. it feels like i've been here for a really long time, but it's only been a bit over a month. i think i'll survive eugene... i like it here. but it's not home. the people here aren't the people back home (which isn't a bad thing in the least), nor do i expect them to be. then i wondered, how would it feel to go home after the two years?

will i feel the same excitement and apprehension i felt coming here? how foreign will home seem, paradoxical as that concept is? will i be able to let go of the way things were with people back home, and accept the changes that will inevitably be there? i don't mean letting go of relationships, but being flexible enough to adapt, and still feel as if it's no less special than it was before i left. will they be able to accept that i will probably not be the same me that left? the essence of who i am is still gonna be there; i have no intention of doing away with the adelle you all know. but two years of living in a different country and being immersed in a different culture is bound to change the way i look, the way i eat, the way i talk, the way i think... not entirely, but i think it's gonna be a perceptible change. what then?

with all the stuff i have to do, added to the time difference, it's gonna be interesting to see how many people i can stay connected with. i promise i'll try, but all of you have to know, and i have to know, that it's gotta be a two way thing. it scares me that i have so many emails unreplied, so many emails i wanna send out... i don't want it to be the start of a downward spiral. i promise i'll try.

but. thoughts aside, today was a good day. watched a football game and actually understood what was going on, thanks (and no thanks) to bryan and sean. the ducks beat the cougars 53-7! and then i had a yummy dinner at dick and peggy's, and rounded off the day chilling at sean's with a bunch of people - he had a potluck, but i only joined them after dinner. 'twas fun. tomorrow i'm devoting my day to cognitive development. and sleep.

one thing i've re-realized, as basic as this realization is, is how important meaningful human contact is.
and how important it is to just give yourself a break from pushing all the time.
and how the two can be combined.
putting work aside for play to maintain my emotional well-being is worth the few lost points on an exam or quiz.

photos from the performance and football game on the way. =)


AmbivalentMonk said...


Bryan said...

Definitely agree with the last part of that. There is much you miss out on when you don't go out much. I think the most important thing any of us can learn here is how to find that balance between studying hard and playing hard.

And what do you mean by "no thanks"?

AmbivalentMonk said...

Because half of our explanation of the rules of football was ridiculously untrue!
Except for the time counter being the score of the game.

Bryan said...

And the fans being the basis of the score.

delle. said...

half the explanations? i think it was more.
and i kept getting physically abused.
and you're still trying to confuse me... one day i'm gonna stop believing anything the two of you say!

AmbivalentMonk said...

You still believe anything I say? Sweet!

delle. said...

enjoy it while you can... it ain't gonna last much longer. =P

Bryan said...

it will last for a while. and when it goes, we'll start telling her things she should know and she won't believe them. she'll be the one missing out :)

delle. said...

i'll just ask my OTHER, non-imaginary friends. meanie.

Bryan said...

Why's that? Do your imaginary friends not want to hear, either?

I'm starting to feel bad about making these posts.

delle. said...

you should.

yin said...

DELLE !!! So Im at your blog ! hahaha Ive been meaning to come online and read up and what you've been up to but havent really had the time too. I really miss you ! We should really talk ! I miss talking to you ..

AmbivalentMonk said...

For a second, I thought that was my mom, because my mom's name is Yin. But if she is your friend, that cannot be my mom. That would just be silly.

Bryan said...

So, I guess football game photos and performance photos are NOT coming soon?

You should also post them on facebook. I think they're more manageable that way.

Jiat said...

DELLE-ry! I know we promised to keep in touch but you are right, we will all try to keep contact but sometimes its just out of our hands. none the less, since you have sooo many unreplied emails and probably will miss mine if i send you one, i will just wait for you to come online at skype and then talk to you!!

I suppose there are no 2 ways about the inevitable change when you get back, even though fortunately unfortunate that i wont be able to experience the feeling of not going back home for 2 years, but i still understand what is it like. Even when i get back home after 6 months, i think its gonna be a lot of difference and makes the place you once called home, "foreign", at least for a while. So one way to limit that "foreign" damage is to talk to your friends back home regularly and Im sure they will ALL be there for you! You are never alone!

take care and see(talk) you soon!cheers!

p.s. i still think of rum and cheese you know!

Jean said...

You're making me feel sad after reading all that.

Makes me feel like not leaving Malaysia at all, regardless whether if I'm going to Oregon or New York.

Makes me wish that I'm there with you now. At least if we were to go through a revolution of change, or go through a detachment/attachment to certain things, we could go through it together.

And have the irony of witnessing it all happen to both of us.


By the WAY, when exactly do you go on Skype?
We need to set up a date to meet on Skype! I've got so much to talk to you about!

Anyway, Meg's back in her hometown in Malacca now, and she'd only come back on Sunday.
She said she'd only do the sleep-over thingie after next week.

Well...Hope you are doing fine...

melissa chen said...

Goodness. It's like a chatroom here. Hahah.

Adelle said...

yin: hi!! welcome to my world of verbose rambling =) i miss talking to you too! how's australia going? you must be having a blast. get skype! then i'll have one more person to add to my list of people i wanna talk to SOON.

sean: yeah that'd be weird. i think having a mom younger than yourself kinda goes against the laws of nature.

bryan: stop rubbing in the fact that i don't even have time to post pictures on my blog and facebook! and yeah i'm planning to do both. soon. =)

jiat: we should definitely skype SOON! i wanna know how things're going for you! cold not? yeah i guess change is inevitable huh, even if we're gone for a short while. don't bluff la you won't be away for 6 months! pergi september balik december = 3 months. but i get your point =) i'm need to do damage control quick before it gets out of hand! you take care too... rum and cheese! lol.

jean ee: the bad comes with the good too =) and you have me as your guinea pig! so you know what to expect if you come here too. BRING WARM CLOTHES! at the moment i don't get on skype much, cos i'm swamped. but let me know when you and meg wanna go on and i'll see what i can do =) you take care!

melmel: that's what i do, get people talking. hehe. =)