Tuesday, 6 November 2007

he, she and her.

he runs along an invisible path, as fast as he can, looking at me saying, "i wun, i wun"... then he falls - unintentionally or not i don't know, sitting down hard on his bum. it doesn't hurt him or anything. he looks around mildly and then says, "i fall" to no one in particular. he sits there for a moment, then he grabs a handful of leaves from the ground and sorta chucks it in front of himself. he grabs another handful, with the other hand this time, and throws it ahead again. seemingly satisfied, he gets up and walks... aimlessly, but contentedly.

she sees her blowing bubbles. "issy's turn, issy's turn!" she says, head tilted up as far as it can go. when this doesn't work she become increasingly agitated, sorta running on the spot. "issy's turn bo bubs!" she wants her turn, but is distracted by the pretty bubbles - purple, amber and a brownish green. she forgets about doing her little dance for a while - trying to get a finger into a big bubble just out of reach. she reaches, reaches, reaches... and then topples over, landing on her bum. she gets up and frowns. "issy's turn!", more insistently this time.

she looks down, smiles, and gets on one knee, bubble wand in one hand, bottle of bubble solution in the other. "okay, lucy's turn," she says. she blows, but her lips are kinda pressed together with her bottom lip sticking a bit further out, so she's blowing up into her fringe. she tries again, this time with a crease between her eyebrows.

she laughs, not unkindly, and says, "look lucy, put your mouth like this," shaping her mouth into an "o", "and then you blow. gently." her next attempt's an improvement, and on her fourth try she actually manages to produce two bubbles. small ones. but she's too focused on the wand and on getting her blowing right that she fails to notice them.

"look, you did it!", she says, pointing to the small bubbles. she looks at her, surprised, and by the time she shifts her attention to the bubbles they've popped.

she turns her eyes back to the bubble wand, bringing her lips so close to it that they probably tasted bitter the next time she ran her tongue over them. she shapes her mouth into an "o" and blows. hard. a bubble half forms, and then pops before leaving the wand.

she laughs, gets back on her feet and blows bubbles down toward her. she smiles and waves her hands around, jumping, popping as many of them as she can.

he catches her eye. "wun, wun!" he urges, beginning another of his laps. she smiles to herself, a pursed up kinda smile, and grabs her by the hand. "run, lucy, run!" she says, taking tiny steps to match her pace. when they complete the lap he falls on his bum again; she throws herself on the ground, and she throws herself on top of her, giggling. she lies there, in the damp leaves, looking up at the tree that was covered in yellow leaves just last week. today its knobbly branches and spindly twigs create a lattice, contrasted against the murky sky above. it's murky, but she has to squint to look up anyway.

and she just lies there, looking up, with leaves in her hair.
her with her runny nose, lying on top of her and giggling close to her face.
and him, saying, "i fall" to no one in particular, playing with his leaves.


dav said...

Im glad the kids are keeping u alive and well..yup as u will put it,they're really really cute=p amazing how u noticed all the details with all the sleep u got the last night!

delle. said...

haha discarding your annonymity are you?
yeah pretty amazing huh... even i'm surprised. =P