Sunday, 11 November 2007


i've decided to draw on ping's favorite quote:
"when life hands you lemons, make lemonade."

i'm gonna put in so much sugar in my lemonade i'll be diabetic before i'm through.
and i'll put in a shot or two (or three or four) of vater (har har.) just for the fun of it.
and then i'm gonna enjoy it, every last drop.

and i'm gonna try very hard not to think about milo ais.


Bryan said...

four drinks of water will give you an interesting alter-ego.

AmbivalentMonk said...

Hahahaha...oh my...what loons we have become.

delle. said...

bryan: not if i start early and eat a proper meal first!

sean: we? =P

Pinky Tham said...

hang on to the lemon dear.. before you know it, you will get your milo ais. muaks.

AmbivalentMonk said...

Milo and Otis? I loved that movie.

delle. said...

nope, different milo, sorry. =)