Saturday, 10 November 2007

objects are objects are objects.

i never really thought i was one to have attachments to anything material... sure i value the things that i have, and i don't like losing things in general (who does?) but i didn't think i'd be THIS affected.
i keep telling myself that we're more than anything we own, and i know that.
but still.
it sucks pretty bad. actually, it sucks really bad.

i'm still kicking myself.
why can't i remember what i did with it?!
this is why people shouldn't give me nice things. >.<


dav said...

emotional attachments always come first before anything material..and u didnt mean to lose it,and i know that=)cheer up!

melissa chen said...

Aww, see! I agree with what Dav said, emo first, material MAYBE second. And yeah, cheer up..who knows it might turn up when you least expect it? :) Pray for IT's safe return. Hahah.

delle. said...

i'm praying... hard.
and in the process of cheering up. thank you =)