Saturday, 17 November 2007


so i haven't been updating my blog as frequently as i used to... i don't think it's a sign of its impending doom - not just yet anyway. i think it's just cos i've been getting more settled here, and the more settled i get the more i sink into a kinda routine and so everything doesn't seem as novel or as blog-worthy as it used to. routine gives things a sense of familiarity. it's pretty amazing to think that i've only been here for a little over two months - it seems like way, way longer.

and i can't decide if this is a good or bad thing, but i'm gonna have to abandon my familiar rhythm and get used to a different beat pretty soon. term's almost over! in two weeks i'll be having my finals, and after finals it'll be winter break for about a month, and then i'll be on to my second term here. so i feel like i've been faced with a lot of (relatively) big decisions over the past week or so. short-term decisions, like whether and where to travel, where to stay, whether to get a job, what subjects to take next term, how many credits to take on... and then there are the long -term decisions, like whether or not to change my academic plan, looking into grad schools, narrowing my career focus, deciding which psych lab i should affiliate myself with, what my honors thesis could be about, thinking about whether i should do a post grad in psych or now maybe education... so many choices. it's making me feel all grown up. kinda.

one thing i am grateful for tho, is that i'm 100% sure that psychology is the major for me. i'm doing two psych classes, a lit class and a chem class and i'm enjoying my psych classes so much better and doing really well in them. chem's the worst for me this term - we started on quantum mechanics this week and my professor covered the whole chapter in just three lectures. he was just speeding through the material and it all went straight over my head. swoosh. it's crazy. i wouldn't be stretching the truth by saying it's all greek to me, because it really is! with psi and sigma and nu and lambda... and planck's constant and eigenfunctions and bohr models... ugh. i have a quiz on it on monday.

anyhow. i just got back from brunch, and i really enjoyed the walk back. i was reminded me really strongly about subang (that's home to me, all you american people... that's right, up in the trees.)... it's like there was a storm from about 1-4pm, with lots of lightning and thunder. i'd have stayed home, probably curled up on the sofa in my living room with a book, and then probably taken a nap. and it's now about 6pm and i go out for a walk... the sky's still all gloomy and the ground is strewn with leaves cos the wind was blowing through the trees pretty hard. but it's still now, with the occasional breeze. and it's cold (well "cold", now that i'm here). and i go to one of the parks nearby just to sit on a bench for while... breathing in the moisture in the air and feeling the humidity on my skin.

but... it's nice here too. i like how there's always something pretty to look at. =) it's been sorta cleaned up now, but at one point there were piles of leaves everywhere. it looked really messy, but i liked it - it was kinda like having my room with me wherever i went. haha.

that was quite an aimless ramble huh?


AmbivalentMonk said...

If you feel like the routine is starting to get old, never be afraid to alter it, change it up, or deviate from it altogether.

Frankly, I kind of want to find something new to do every weekend. But that takes planning. And the default is always the easiest.

delle. said...

i think at this point routine is helpful... it gives me a sense of stability and like i said in the post, familiarity.

but you're right, the default is always the easiest because it requires the least effort - when it starts becoming monotonous i'll have to step out of my comfort zone and shake things up.

i'm still enjoying the weekends tho. =)

Bryan said...

Weekends? I don't know what you're talking about!