Saturday, 29 September 2007

gut feelings.

you know how sometimes you have this gut feeling about something, and you wonder if you should say something about it, but you're worried about feeling stupid if you turn out to be wrong?

remember that you could also end up feeling stupid if you turn out to be right and you didn't say anything. lol.

gut feelings are underestimated.


AmbivalentMonk said...

Chances of acceptance are zero if you don't apply. Your chances of acceptance increase dramatically once you do apply.
You miss all the three pointers that you don't shoot.
The leap of faith is so scary. Whether to say something or not...and what the consequences are.

melissa chen said...

You've got me curious babe

val said...


delle. said...

it's like, you see/feel something coming but you choose not to do anything about it cos you don't wanna look stupid if it turns out you assumed and made an ass of you and you.

but it could go the other way and the thing you saw coming actually arrives and you feel stupid cos you didn't do anything about it.

lol i know kinda just repeated my post but it's just something i was thinking about.

i get sean's point too... like, there's no way to be sure but you only have a chance of succeeding if you do something. but the thing is, sometimes holding back IS "success". and therein lies the problem.

AmbivalentMonk said...

Very true...I'm going through that thought right now. Learning to hold back.