Tuesday 1 January 2008


i have about 4 hours of 2007 left. wondering whether to do anything special, or to just have a quiet one. the seemingly obvious choice would be to say a big bye bye to 2007 and a big hello to 2008, but i don't know... somehow a quiet new year's seems more fitting this time round.

i've been looking back on 2007... and it's been an interesting hodge-podge. i won't go through everything it was, but the overarching theme was one of stagnation as well as growth for me. it's definitely a paradox - i feel as if i've grown complacent about who i am, what i've become and where i am, but at the same time i feel as if i've been pushing myself and have been pushed out of my comfort zone many times over the past year. i did a lot, and yet feel as though i could have done a lot more.

somehow i don't feel completely satisfied.

and i suppose that's one of the main reasons why i'm so afraid of 2008 - because i'm under pressure from myself to make it count (more). but i don't know how! there are so many unknowns... i have close to no idea what to expect next year. tomorrow. 4 hours from now. and that's scary! that and the fact that i'll be turning 20 and will never be a teenager again. eek.

spent the past four days in seattle, which was a lot of fun. i feel like that was my new year celebration actually. i'll try to gather pictures from all my excursions this break from the people who had charged cameras so i can share with all of you, kay? =)

happy 2008 everyone... i hope you welcomed the year the way you wanted to.

ps: the call from melmel and the gang was awesome. thank you... love you guys!

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