Wednesday 9 January 2008

a step back?

i've just completed the last step of the withdrawal process from the honors college - meeting with the associate director. i was pretty nervous, 'cause i was worried he would give me a hard time about it. so i had cemented my resolve, steeled my nerves, put on the war-paint... but it was unnecessary as he turned out to be very nice. and understanding. and most importantly, he gave me the closure and the reassurance i needed about my decision to withdraw (sounds so much better than "quitting" or "dropping out") from the honors college.

i told him about my plans to double minor in special education and business, and to complete an honors in psychology, and to write a thesis in the intersection between psychology and special education, and to get into a good grad school, and to ultimately go back to malaysia to Make a Difference. and he agreed that doing what i'm doing now, i.e. withdrawing from the honors college so i can accomplish all that, is the probably the best thing to do. he said that given my results last term and my plans for the future, i can do without the edge the honors college would give me to get into grad school. that was precisely what i needed to hear, because it was my biggest fear - that i was turning away from what is actually the more beneficial route.

but now i'm almost completely sure i did the right thing.

now to infinity and beyond!

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