Sunday 27 January 2008


it's snowing! like lots. apparently it started at about 5am and it's been going strong ever since (it's about 12.30 now). everything's all white and pretty... especially the trees. and you can't even tell where the sidewalks end and where the lawns start, cos there's a white blanket over everything. i wanted to get some work done before going to church this morning, but i ended up going outside with vania, rony and amanda instead. threw snowballs and made snowmen. twas fun. =)

i don't wanna study and do my assignments!
ugh. maybe it'll keep snowing and snowing and snowing and it'll be a snow day tomorrow...

have i mentioned that it's pretty outside? =)


AmbivalentMonk said...

So, yeah...I don't think I'm gonna go to church with you...haha. Maybe next time?
BTW...the university has had two snow days in its 230 year probably not...

AmbivalentMonk said...


melissa chen said...

Gaah, you've no idea how jealous I am of you now. Nvm, nvm, I shall set foot on Oregonian land next year! I.Don't.Care.