Friday 4 January 2008


1. a firm decision.
2. an expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body.
3. the quality of being resolute.
4. the resolving of a problem or dispute.
5. the process of reducing or separating something into components.
6. the smallest interval measurable by a telescope or other scientific instrument.
7. the degree of detail visible in a photographic or television image.

- oxford english dictionary.

i will take more control of my life, so i can stop seeing myself as "the victim".
i will be happy for others. just because they get something i didn't does not give me the right to be bitter.
i will travel, travel, travel. and travel.
i will focus on what i have, and make the most of it. think lemonade.
i will probably fail to achieve all of the above all the time, but most importantly


AmbivalentMonk said...

Trying implies that somehow you are not already, or cannot. Do not try, but be.

delle. said...

sean: try and be. =)