Friday, 4 January 2008


i cycled today for the first time in four months... my hands were frozen but i loved it.

it reminded me of plucking leaves for "petrol".
of cycling up and down ramps, round and round the usj 11 park.
of cycling really fast in the park near my house, and then braking on only one side so that i (unintentionally) ended up doing a spectacular but painful cartwheel with my bike.
of the first time i ever went somewhere alone - i was allowed to cycle to a friend's house two blocks away.
of playing chicken along 18/1 and crashing headlong into mel.
of carrying my bike up the steps of the 18/5 park, or up the overhead bridge to 19.

good stuff. =)

okay i think i've caught up with my blogpost quota now. hehe.


melissa chen said...

Um, did you like forget the time when the both of us crashed into each other? No thanks to you :P

Magdalene-Sophie said...


i can't cycle a bicycle till today.
i'm 18.
almost 19.


delle. said...

melmel: nope, didn't forget. =) and you have to share the blame!

maggie mee: hellloooo! don't worry, still not too late to learn. so when're you coming over to this part of the world? excited? =) oh and merry christmas and happy new year!