Tuesday, 15 January 2008

ice ice baby.

so it was a really cold morning... below freezing. but the sun was out, and there was frost on the grass and leaves so it was a really pretty morning too. i was walking to class, not too fast, because i was still waiting for the ibuprofen i had popped a few minutes before to take effect... and all of a sudden my feet disappeared from under me and i was on my bum on the sidewalk.

it didn't hurt, it was embarrassing, and it was very funny.
but none of you saw it happen. hah!=P


AmbivalentMonk said...

Awww...well I'm glad you didn't get hurt!
It was so cold that the rain froze on contact when it hit my roommate's car. It looked soooo cool!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha I didn't see it but I can well imagine it. Had a similar experience. Like being slain. All I suffered was a slightly bruised ego.

melissa chen said...

*Imagining* *Giggles to self* Repeat the same thing over and over again - till my maid comes in and catches me with my eyes closed and laughing to myself, and runs out screaming thinking I'm nuts :)